Time zone
GMT -3 (three hours behind Greenwich Mean Time) throughout the country.
The official language is Spanish, although most of the people who are in the tourist sector also speak English and Portuguese.
The official currency is the Argentine Peso.
Exchange rate: For information and recommendations on currency exchange, please contact the local Organizer: info@maseventos.com.ar.

Measuring system
Meters and kilograms
Phones: How to dial
International Country Code: +54
Córdoba code: 351
San Juan code: 264
La Rioja Code: 380
To call an Argentine mobile phone from abroad, you must add a 9 after the country code. (E.g.; +54 9 351 XXXX)
All Argentina: 220V – 50Hz
In Argentina, the climate is mostly temperate. However, the vast size of the country implies a wide climate diversity, ranging from tropical climates in the northwest to sub-polar in the south.
In general, the climate in the province of Cordoba is temperate and varies according to the altitude and the region of the territory, but always within a moderate temperature range.
Although the province is wide and diverse in terms of extension and natural resources, temperatures tend to average between 10°C and 30°C according to the area and the season of the year.
San Juan has a mountainous relief with valleys and traverses in between under a dry temperate climate. . The daily range of temperatures is large within the semi-arid mountain climate that characterizes the area.
The famous Zonda wind is typical of the region. It is a warm, dry wind coming from the west. Out of the 365 days of the year, 300 are sunny days in San Juan.
The climate in the province of La Rioja has the features of a continental climate. Winters are mild, dry and short, with average temperatures above 10°C and little rainfall. Summers are extremely hot and rainy with average highs of 36°C (sometimes absolute highs of 48°C) and average lows of 25°C.
In 2024, Desafío Ruta 40 will take place during the winter although the climate in the region may not be as cold.

Air connectivity
Argentina has a total of 55 airports that guarantee connectivity throughout the country.
- Ministro Pistarini International Airport (EZE)
It is the most important airport in Argentina, since most of the international flights to our country have this airport as their destination. It is located in the city of Ezeiza, 22 km away from the City of Buenos Aires.
Web: https://www.aa2000.com.ar/ezeiza
Address: Autopista Tte. Gral. Ricchieri km 33,5
Phone: (+ 54 11) 5480 6111.
- Buenos Aires city: Aeroparque Jorge Newbery (AEP)
Located in the northwest area of the city of Buenos Aires, 2 km from downtown. It operates domestic flights and international flights to regional countries.
Web: https://www.aa2000.com.ar/aeroparque
Address: Av. Rafael Obligado s/n°
Phone: (+54 11) 5480 6111.
- Córdoba: Aeropuerto Internacional Ing. Aer. Ambrosio Taravella (COR)
The International Airport Ing. Ambrosio Taravella International Airport is located 9 km away from the center of the city of Cordoba, capital of the province.
Web: www.aa2000.com.ar/cordoba
Address: Av. la voz del interior 8500
Phone: (54 11) 5480 6111
- San Juan: Aeropuerto Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (UAQ)
San Juan Airport is located in the city of Las Chacritas, 15km to the southeast of the city of San Juan. It operates domestic flights.
Web: https://www.aa2000.com.ar/sanjuan
Address: Ruta Nacional N° 3, Km 8 – (9400)
Phone: (54 11) 3987 4150
- La Rioja: Vicente Almandos Almonacide (IRJ)
Capitán Vicente Almandos Almonacid Airport is located 6km to the northwest of La Rioja city.
Web: https://www.aa2000.com.ar/larioja
Address: Acceso Ruta Provincial N°5 S/N – (5300)
Phone: (+54 0380) 4462160
Land Connectivity
Argentina has an extensive network of national and provincial roads across its territory.
It is possible to check the status of all border crossings through this link: https://www.argentina.gob.ar/seguridad/pasosinternacionales
In general, no visa is required to enter the country. For more information, please check the following list: https://www.migraciones.gov.ar/accesible/indexdnm.php?visas or contact the consular authority.
Throughout Argentina, local traffic regulations must be observed. In urban areas, the maximum speed is 40km/h on streets, and 60km/h on avenues.